Sunday, September 26

Lazy Days

Its been a lazy Sunday which isn't something that happens too often around here. It feels nice. Alex's theater group at school had a movie night last night. They dressed up in 50s clothes and watched Hair Spray. I helped chaperoned and judge the fashion show. It was a lot of fun.

Right now we are experiencing an unseasonable cold front. Its only 85 right now with the week looking to top out with highs around 87. I'm loving this. Something about colder weather makes everything else seem a little less trying. Still for whatever reason I have had a sense of collective exhaustion for the past few weeks. I don't feel over worked or over extended. I'm not taxed, I'm just tired. Which is why our Do Nothing Day has come at just the right time.


Single and Sane said...

I love do nothing days. If I go too long without one, I can feel it. I hope you're feeling recharged for the week!

The Bug said...

My Sunday was lazier than I meant it to be (that darn vacuuming!) - but I have to say that I enjoyed it a lot!